Monday, September 19, 2011

Yosemite Continued

Spotty internet interrupted my post!  I was just remembering how nice it was to enjoy the campfire in our isolated campground.  Brilliant stars overhead, warm campfire....pretty nice!

Just beyond the trees, by our campsite, was this typical Yosemite topography.

Every day we've had some type of wildlife encounter. This guy was unconcerned about the people nearby.  The coyote we spotted was not interested in sticking around for a photo!

Some well known Yosemite sites...     Half Dome

El Capitan

Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls

Magnificent views are available without even leaving the highway.

What do you think? A little Ansel Adams-ish?  I can understand why he spent so much time capturing Yosemite images.

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