Monday, September 16, 2013


We got up this morning hoping to have a terrific view of the Perce Rock.  It is an imposing, elegant mass of about four million tons of limestone, and is reported to hoard multitudes of fossils.  It used to have two arches, but one collapsed in 1845.  On a beautiful day we might have taken a boat excursion to get a closer look, but today was not the day to do that.  There was a lot of mist and fog that would lift, and then close everything in again.  It wasn't a rainy day, just  gray day.

Our view today...

This is what we saw in 1973.

So, we continued our drive on down the coast, into New Brunswick - lots more beautiful scenery, and many quaint little towns.  It was an easy drive, although when we're driving in the woods in the dark and seeing the signs alerting us to the danger of moose, it does make us a little nervous.  I can't imagine what hitting a moose would be like!  We did have to make one short stop when Jim spotted a bald eagle.  This is not a great picture, because I have yet to purchase an expensive bird lens; it's just a "proof that we saw it" picture!

We're spending the night in Miramichi, which is a huge salmon fishing area.  This is not the salmon season, so Jim might not be looking for a fishing opportunity, but we're going to drive up the river tomorrow just to take a look.  Maybe someday...

We were surprised to find we had entered a new time zone.  We're now on Atlantic Standard Time. Oh darn, we just lost an hour of vacation time!

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