Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Leaving Quebec

We checked out of our hotel this morning, but weren't quite ready to leave Quebec.  Old Quebec has two different areas - the Haute-Ville, the upper town, and the Basse-Ville, the lower town outside the wall and along the St. Lawrence River. We hadn't been to the lower part and thought we needed to see it. We drove down and parked by the river, and the first thing we did was take the Funicular up to the higher part.  It was designed to move people up the steep embankment, and his been in operation since 1879.

We walked back down to the lower town, which was just as beautiful as the upper part.  There are beautiful flowers and very unique planters everywhere.

Of course we had to have lunch at a street cafe one last time.

We left Quebec City and drove northeast a short distance so we could see Montmorency Falls.  It was very impressive.  You could ride a cable car to the top of the falls and walk across on a suspension bridge.  We decided not to do that, although we probably should have!  Next time...!

We finally decided we had to move on. In order to drive up the St. Lawrence River we had to cross to the other side, which meant we had to drive back through Quebec City to get to the bridge.  Doing it at rush hour was not smart. It was a slow trip, but we succeeded and finally left it behind.  We got a room in Montmagny, and tomorrow we'll see how far we can get up the Gaspe Peninsula.

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