Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ireland and Beyond 2015

We're off on our next adventure. We've spent months planning and anticipating and it's finally here.  We're in Ireland and have only been here a little over 24 hours and we're already totally enchanted and loving it!  This is our first view of Ireland, and yes, it's that green - everywhere.

It was a challenge getting from the airport in Dublin to our digs, but with some help from the GPS we made it.  When you get off the main roads, many of the side roads look like little farm trails, and there's barely enough room for two cars. Doing your own driving in a foreign country can be daunting, but its all part of the adventure.  For example, this is the "road" leading to our condo.

We managed to find a pub last night so Jim could have his first pint of Guinness!

Another patron at the pub?

Today we went back to Quin (where we found the pub) and visited the ruins of an old Abbey. Quin Friary was built in 1433 on the ruins of a castle, which had been built in 1280. It was a fascinating place to wander around.

It's spring in Ireland, and we're enjoying it all.

Stay tuned as we get to know Ireland.


  1. Hi Nana and Papa it's Lauren and I really like the picture of that flower!
    Your trip looks really fun so far! I wish I could be there with you! ☺️
    Love Lauren

  2. We wish you were here too! Someday... Miss you!
